Over the Hedge Read online

Page 7

  But there would be no more slinking around. I had gotten the introduction I was waiting for.

  The guys would probably bust my balls if they saw me right now. I’ve never done this before. Should I ask her out on a date? Maybe take some time for her to get warmed up to me before going in for the kill? How about inviting her out to coffee? That’s what they do in the movies right?

  “So, Sean, how do you like it here at H&G Research?” Jenny asked, interrupting my thoughts. I was so caught up in Lashawnda’s presence I had completely forgotten her pushy friend was standing there as well.

  “It’s good. Definitely more of a challenge than my last position,” I replied before turning back to Lashawnda. “So I see we share the same boss. I haven’t had time to meet him, but I’ve heard he is a real character.”

  “Don’t listen to everything you hear. Dr. Barnes is a really great boss. He has his own way of doing things, and some people might call him crazy, but he means well.” Lashawnda smiled fondly as she came to Dr. Barnes’ defense.

  She must have to defend him a lot.

  “So, it’s not true he sliced up the office furniture a few days ago?” I asked, laughing.

  Lashawnda laughed along with me heartedly. The tilt of her curved neck exposed her smooth skin, and my eyes traveled along it.

  “Okay, yes. He’s crazy, but the good kind of crazy. I genuinely like working for him. I’ve gained a lot of experience and made connections across the U.S. with many other research facilities and universities because of him. Give him a chance without judgment, and I’m sure you’ll reap the benefits of working with him.”

  “I won’t judge, promise.” I put my hands up in surrender. “I look forward to making my own opinion once we meet. I’m already a huge fan of his work. Getting this position has been a blessing for me,” I replied.

  “You said, this position is more challenging than your last one. What did you do before?” she asked. I could tell there was genuine interest in her eyes.

  Before I could answer her, my work cell phone buzzed. I excused myself and answered the call.

  “This is Sean. Yes—I wasn’t aware of that, but I’ll look into it. What time will he be coming by? Okay, thanks for the heads up. See you shortly.”

  When I turned back to her, I thought I saw a bit of disappointment as I moved to end our conversation.

  Is she interested too? I sent up a silent prayer. Please God let her be just a little interested in me. At least then it would be worth me making a fool of myself over the last three weeks.

  I broke into an apologetic smile. “Sorry about that. We’ve got a little emergency in the lab. It seems the vendor for the gas tanks has been giving us partially filled containers but charging us full price. He’s on his way to make another delivery. I’ve got to go have a little chat with him.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’re here. This isn’t the first time we’ve had this problem,” Lashawnda remarked.

  “I’m glad I’m here as well. It was great to finally meet you.” I didn’t want to leave, but I needed to get this situation straightened out.

  “You too. You’re welcome to stop by anytime, and I’ll be sure to swing by the lab once in a while,” Lashawnda said. The hitch in her voice gave me even more hope.

  “Oh, I’ll definitely take you up on that offer. You might even get sick of seeing me.” I smiled nervously, repressing the urge to pump my fists. “Bye, Lashawnda.”

  “Later, Sean.” I caught the smile at the edge of her lips, and it only made mine widen.

  “Jenny, it was nice meeting you.” I gave her a nod before walking away. Sandra Colcord had raised me to be respectful to others no matter who they are. So, I couldn’t just ignore her, but I didn’t want to encourage a long goodbye from her, either.

  I hustled down the hallway and took the back stairs to the labs. I swiped my badge to gain access and waited for the double doors to open. I caught a glance of myself in the metal doors and shook my head at the goofy grin I was sporting. I bobbed my shoulders a little, ecstatic to have finally gotten a chance to have a real conversation with Lashawnda. If I wasn’t about to walk into the lab I would have broken out in a full dance routine. The door buzzed and I walked in, immediately setting my facial expression to one less jovial. For pulling me away from the object of my desire, that asshole with the gas tanks was going to pay for it.

  Managing this lab was the most responsibility I’ve had in my career thus far. There wasn’t any micromanaging from Dr. Barnes, and it was something I appreciated. Unlike my last job, I was able to dictate how things should go without interference from anyone else. It made for a better working environment and allowed my subordinates to recognize I was in charge. At twenty-seven, I had ruffled a lot of feathers working with lab techs much older than me.

  As soon as I walked in I saw the delivery guy bent over the lab bench in a conversation with one of the new female interns.

  “Mr. Horton,” I greeted on my approach. The older man with a scruffy salt and pepper beard jumped at my brash tone. I stretched out an open palm to shake his hand. “Hi, Sean Colcord. I’m the new lab manager.”

  “Ugh…oh nice to meet you, Jerry Horton.” His hands were clammy and his handshake weak. “Where’s the other guy, Ethan?”

  “Ethan was just filling in while the company hired someone to replace the previous manager.” I gave him a stiff smile.

  “Well, I’m sure gonna miss him.”

  “I’m sure you will.” I nodded towards the doors. “How did you get access to the building?”

  “I used my badge.” Jerry pulled a tattered visitor’s pass from his pocket and flashed it in my face. “I got it a few months back, so I could make quick deliveries.”

  I nodded, mentally calming myself to not lash out.

  “I’d prefer it if you didn’t have unsupervised access to the building. The visitor’s pass you have will be deactivated after today. In the future, all scheduled deliveries will be on Mondays or Thursdays. I or a member of my staff will meet you out back in the loading dock to check the tanks and assist with bringing them inside.”

  “Oh, that’s not necessary.” Jerry offered affably. However, his tight smile and reddened cheeks said otherwise. “I’d hate to inconvenience you guys. I’m more than capable of bringing up the tanks. Besides, wouldn’t want a well-dressed fella like yourself to get all dirty.”

  “I’m used to getting my hands dirty,” I replied with a dry laugh. “Let’s go take a look at these tanks you brought in today.”

  I stepped back and allowed him to walk in front of me. The intern he was talking to looked up at me and mouthed ‘thank you’ while rolling her eyes in his direction. Not only was I about to give Jerry a rude awakening, I wouldn’t be paying for his half-filled tanks, but I might also have to reach out to his supervisors if he’s been harassing the women on my staff.


  After wracking my brain for hours on what to do with this new connection to Lashawnda, I did the one thing I swore I wouldn’t do. I called my best friend for dating advice.

  “Hey, Brent. What’s good, man?” I asked when he picked up the phone.

  “Nothing much, bro. Just here trying to decide where I’m going tonight.”

  “You mean which chick’s bed you want to end up in,” I corrected.

  Brent laughed. “Right you are my man, right you are. So…why are you calling me so late? Shouldn’t you be getting some rest for work tomorrow, Dr. Colcord?”

  “Man, shut up with that doctor shit,” I grumbled.

  I had just finished a Ph.D. in Neuroscience at the University of Miami. However, I couldn’t decide on what to do career-wise. I always had the option to teach at a university, but I hated the bureaucracy that came with being a professor. I was more than relieved when I got a call from Tracy Hickman at H&G about the opening they had in the research lab.

  That relief had turned into excitement when I met Lashawnda.

  “You’re the only fucker
I know that spends all that time and money on a doctorate but refuses to reap the benefits from it. Dude, do you know how much pussy you could be getting just by telling a chick that you’re Dr. Sean Colcord?” Brent’s voice rose in disbelief.

  “Yeah, well don’t worry about women and me. Matter of fact, I was just calling to get your advice on a woman I just met today.” He couldn’t have given me a more perfect segue into my question.

  “Come again?”

  “Well, there’s this girl…I’m mean a lady…a woman…she’s an adult female that works for Dr. Barnes.” I slapped my forehead as I fumbled through my words. “I kind of started passing by her cubicle every day just to get her attention. Not in like a creepy stalker way or anything. I’m used to women approaching me, so I was hoping it would work, but no dice, man. Then one day, she accidentally runs into the men’s bathroom to use it. A bunch of stuff spilled out of her purse and she didn’t grab it all. It was a perfect opportunity to finally talk to her. I picked it up and was going to give it back to her, but I chickened out on my way to her desk. Another woman in the office called me over and we got introduced that way, I couldn’t even walk up to her on my own,” I stopped talking and took a deep breath. I felt like an idiot asking for advice, but I didn’t know what else to do

  “What? Well, it’s about time you realized I am the ultimate source for any and everything pussy related,” Brent let out a string of loud laughter. If I wasn’t mistaken I could also hear him clapping on the other end of the line.

  “Nah, this isn’t like that. Lashawnda’s a nice girl; real ladylike. Not like the women you shack up with.”

  “Lashawnda? Dude, is she black?” Brent asked.

  “Yeah, why?” I answered cautiously.

  “Nothing, it just answers a lot of questions that’s all.”

  I could hear him snickering as he tried to hold back his laughter. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Just, I knew there had to be a reason you never got serious with any of the women you hooked up with. Not enough melanin,” he explained.

  “I don’t know what that’s got to do with anything. I’ve hooked up with all kinds of girls; Black, White, Asian—I swear this one chick might have been a Martian. Nobody could deep-throat a dick like she could,” I said, laughing at my own joke.

  “What? How come you never told me about that one?” Brent asked loudly.

  “Cause it’s none of your damn business who I sleep with.”

  “Anyways, man. What advice do you need? Because I know it couldn’t be about getting at this girl? Don’t forget I know you. Before you went on this self-induced punishment of staying pussy free, I was around when you had a different girl coming and going every night—Sometimes two in one night.”

  I rubbed the back of my neck, thinking about how true his statement was. I’ve probably done it all and seen it all when it came to women and sex. But, I’ve never had the pleasure of pursuing one. I was too busy trying to get a scholarship in high school to be bothered. Too busy worrying about getting my cock wet in college to care about the other aspects of being with someone. Now here I am looking for advice on how to get Lashawnda Price, the one woman that had me feeling all kinds of crazy, to go out with me.

  “I’m trying to find the best way to ask her out,” I told him.

  A whole minute passed before Brent spoke. I was beginning to think he hung up.

  “Are you fucking joking?” Brent asked before he burst out into loud, boisterous laughter.

  I would have hung up the phone if I wasn’t in need of help. The only other person I could ask for advice was my mother. That would have to be a last resort. I waited for Brent to quiet down.

  “Are you done?”

  “Nope,” Brent said, before erupting into fits of animated laughter again. “Okay, now I’m done. Okay…I’m good now, I promise. Let’s see—asking out a woman. Real talk, the best advice I can give you is to just ask her out. What’s the worst that could happen?”

  “She turns me down,” I said grimly.

  “And? It wouldn’t be the end of the world. It’s just one woman. There are plenty more to choose from. Besides, let’s say she isn’t interested in you because she has a boyfriend. Aren’t you wasting your time yearning for her if she’s not available?”

  “I already checked. She’s single.” I caught one of the lab assistance looking at her breasts and told him to watch out before her boyfriend clocked him. He informed me she was single.

  “Okay then, what if she isn’t interested in you because you’ve got stalker-like tendencies for walking past her desk every day,” Brent countered.

  “Listen, bro, if you’re not going to be of any help just shut the fuck up,” I replied, getting annoyed by his behavior.

  “Calm down He-man. My point is you will never know if she’s interested in you unless you ask her out. Rule number one in dating: women aren’t mind readers. You gotta be upfront with them.”

  Later that night, I thought long and hard about Brent’s suggestion. Tomorrow, I would ask Lashawnda out. Maybe something casual like drinks after work, but I was going to take my first real step in dating no matter how much I was scared shitless.



  Attempting to date is possibly the worst thing that can happen to an introvert. I spend eighty percent of my day mentally processing the outside world, without needing to share what I’m thinking with others. Dating is like a death sentence for me. My brain knows I should be using flowery words to woo Lashawnda. But I can’t stop thinking about how gorgeous she is and all the things I want to do with her exquisite body. More than a few times over the last few weeks she’s caught me awkwardly staring at her for long periods of time.

  Lashawnda is perfect.

  She’s not high maintenance or over the top like some of the women I’ve been with, in the past. She’s really nice to everyone around her. At work, it’s like a moth to a flame when it comes to our coworkers. The woman is flawless. When I’m around her that crazy, nervous chatter I get makes me want to pull my hair out. But it’s in a good way. Like I’m excited but not able to put my finger on a specific reason why. Every day I’m anticipating seeing her face. When I go to sleep at night I dream about having her lying next to me. I was officially smitten by a woman for the first time in my life. And, her body…whew, her body was a work of art that was the icing on the cake of my fantasies.

  I wanted to walk around the table and tear the strip of material of her blouse all the way down to the hem and slowly, oh so slowly, take my fingertips and part the two halves to reveal the treasure she kept bound beneath her bra. I imagined her shocked expression as I reached around her back and unhinged the metal prong slowly pulling down the straps. Once she was free, I would let the warmth of her heavy breasts settle into my open palms.

  All day, that’s what my mind thought of doing to Lashawnda Price. I just wanted to hold them; to measure the weight of them as I used my hands to push them against gravity, to taste them with the flat surface of my tongue. To enjoy the feel of having her hard nipples caress the roof of my mouth.

  Sitting in a room full of people was doing nothing to keep those thoughts at bay. It was another day at work and I had yet to have the nerve to tell Lashawnda I wanted to spend time with her outside of the office.

  We were sitting in the lounge with a few people from the lab and Lashawnda was engrossed in their conversation. I watched from the sidelines as everyone tried their hardest to catch her attention. I wondered if she was aware of how special she was. I couldn’t count the number of times I would walk by and see someone sitting at her cubicle chatting in a single day. Often, they were asking for her advice about personal things, but other times they came to just catch up and let her know what was going on in their lives as if she was their priest or therapist. I wish every one of them would disappear.

  I want her all to myself.

  As if sensing my thoughts, Lashawnda looked over at me and smiled. She re
ached for an apple wedge and stuck it in her mouth. It had been weeks since our initial hello, and every day I got to know more about her. The more I found out, the more I wanted to know. She was the kind of woman I needed in my life.

  I returned her smile and bit into my sandwich. I was a patient man. Something was about to happen for me to spend time with her outside of the office. I could feel it.

  A few days later, I was rewarded with the perfect opportunity.

  I stopped by Lashawnda’s cube in the afternoon. I hadn’t seen her all day and wanted to get my fill of her before the weekend began. When I approached, she had her headphones in and was listening to some slow melodic music. Her lips moved along with the words and she slightly swayed her hips in her chair. If she only knew how much she was tempting me. I wanted to walk up behind her, press my chest to her back, grip her hips, and sway to the music with her.

  I knocked twice on her cubicle, waiting for her to take her earbuds out to speak.

  “Hey, what’s up?”

  “Not much, how’s your Friday?” she responded with that smile I’ve come to love.

  “Almost over…and what about you? What’s new?” I asked, settling into the chair at her little round table. I felt like I was crowding her space when I sat down, but she always seemed more comfortable like this. I was a big guy, and aware of how dominating it was when I sat close to people.

  “I have the urge for something sweet.” Lashawnda licked her lips thoughtfully.

  My eyes watched the movement of her mouth. “Yeah, me too.”

  “There’s a little café across from the garage, you want to walk with me?” she asked.

  “Absolutely, can you give me fifteen minutes to run over and check on things in the lab?”