Over the Hedge Page 18
“We’re not sleeping outside are we?” Lashawnda asked.
“What, you got a problem with roughing it, miss prissy?” I poked her in her ticklish spot.
“I’ll try anything once, but with my bad luck we’ll probably get eaten by a wild animal.”
I laughed at her cute facial expression as she thought intently about her statement.
“Come on, let's pay for this stuff and go find you some proper boots."
We walked up to the counter. "I think this will be it for now, Jimmy. We might be back, once I take stock of everything we have at home.”
Jimmy scanned all the items. When I opened my wallet to pull out a credit card, Lashawnda caught a glimpse of a picture in the front.
“Sean, is that me?” She leaned close.
I looked down at the picture of Lashawnda sleeping and shrugged. “Yeah.”
“When did you take that?” she asked still looking at the image.
“I don’t know. A few weeks ago, I think. It was after we came back from the beach. You were so tired that you fell asleep on the couch about ten minutes after the movie started.” I handed Jimmy my card and closed the wallet, not looking at Lashawnda. “I thought you looked beautiful and wanted to be able to look at you while you slept. You know…until I finally got to see it in person.” I shrugged my shoulders again.
I looked at Jimmy who was looking at Lashawnda and me like we were putting on a private performance just for him. I was a bit self-conscious having an intimate conversation with my girlfriend in front of the young man. Jimmy handed me back the card, and I finally looked over at Lashawnda. She had tears in her eyes. I sighed and pulled her into my arms.
“Come on now…it’s just a picture. If you don’t want me to have it, I’ll take it out.”
Lashawnda buried her nose in my chest. “Aww…Sean—It’s just so charming. I love that you have a picture of me. No, don’t take it out. It’s sweet.”
I shook my head at her. “Come on, cry baby, let’s get this stuff to the car.”
We were at the exit when Jimmy called me back into the store.
“I just wanted to give you a complimentary copy of our company catalog. They may have some things you’re interested in.”
“Thanks, I appreciate it.” I took the catalog from him and stuffed it in the bag.
He looked over my shoulder at Lashawnda who was busy smiling at a little girl with curly hair in a stroller. My hackles were rising as I became suspicious. The first few times he eyed Lashawnda I thought nothing of it. But, there was obviously something he wanted to say to me since he went out of his way to call me back into the store.
“Is there a problem?” I asked.
“How did you get her to go out with you?” Jimmy mumbled.
That wasn’t a question I was expecting. Matter of fact it threw me so off guard I stood there thinking hard about how to answer his question.
“Umm…I kind of kissed her at work and then practically begged her to give me a chance.”
“Do you think they all would give one of us a chance?” He cleared his throat. “You know…a black girl. I have this girl in my biology class I’m interested in, but I don’t know how to ask her out. She’s really nice. She always asks if we want to partner up on assignments and stuff. But you know…I’m not sure if she’d want to go out with me…cause I’m…you know…white. It’s not common at all in my school for the kids to mingle like that so I’d be the only one.”
I patted Jimmy on his shoulder. The poor kid’s face was fire engine red.
“I never had the balls to ask a girl out in high school because my head was only stuck in the books. So, you’ve got me beat. My advice kid is to take a chance. Ask her if she has a boyfriend first. Then if she doesn’t ask her if she wants to go to the movies with you on a Friday night.”
Jimmy relaxed his tense stance. “Thanks, bro. I appreciate the advice.” We did a quick fist bump. I walked out of the store keeping my fingers crossed that Jimmy’s crush would at least give him a chance.
“Did you forget something?” Lashawnda asked confused.
“No…just helping one of y’all conquer the heart of another one of us,” I said with a smile.
“He wanted advice on how to ask out this girl he’s got a crush on; she’s black,” I explained.
“What did you tell him?”
“I told him to go for it; seemed to work for me.”
By the end of the night, we ended up seeing a movie and then grabbing dinner. When the waiter asked what we would have to drink, Lashawnda immediately went into giggles and told him she would take the sweet tea. I quirked my brows at her and waited until we were alone.
“You’ve got to tell me what that was all about.” I eagerly leaned across the table to capture her hands.
“Do you recall the day I ran into you in the men’s bathroom?”
“How could I forget it? It was the first day you spoke to me. Honestly, one of the best days of my life.”
“Well, earlier that day I came here with my sister to let off some steam. I ended up drinking four cups of iced tea. It was the reason I was in such a rush to use the restroom.”
“Ahh…I see. What kind of steam did you need to let off? Somebody at work pissed you off?” I asked.
“No…not really.”
“Spill. What made you so upset?”
Lashawnda looked at her hands and then back up at me. “You.”
“Me? But you and I weren’t even talking then.” I was confused about what I could have possibly done.
“I know. I looked forward to hearing you walk by my desk every day. I always knew it was you because you have a very distinct walk. The way you would tap your pen against your thigh was a dead giveaway.” Lashawnda shook her head and sighed.
“Two whole days went by, and I didn’t see or hear you. I thought you had disappeared. I told Crystal about you, and she told me to ask you out. The day I finally got the nerve to speak to you Dr. Barnes came by as soon as you approached and asked me to run some papers over to one of his colleagues. Then I didn’t see you for two days. I thought I missed my shot at getting to know you.”
Lashawnda bit the side of her bottom lip. When I touched her cheeks, they were burning up. She’s told me before having dark skin was a real blessing. It hid her blushing well, and she was continually embarrassing herself, so it was for the best.
“I would say I’m sorry for how everything played out, but I’m not.”
She rolled her eyes. “I was freaking neurotic that day.”
“Well, no more than one glass of iced tea for you tonight. I would hate to have to beat up some guy for trying to take you from me."
“Please…whatever.” She bowed her head and tucked her hair behind her ear.
“You think I won’t? You might have to bail me out of jail.” I gave her a stern look to let her know I was serious.
Lashawnda cocked an eyebrow at me. “Are you a bad boy, Sean?”
“Not at all. I’m a very good boy,” I replied smiling widely at her and punctuating the word very. “But, I’m also very protective of what’s mine.”
“Really now?”
“Absolutely. And, you are unquestionably mine.” I raised our joined hands and kissed the tip of her fingers.
I linked our fingers together and smiled at the beautiful mosaic our combined skin tones made. Lashawnda had two dark freckles on her middle finger that I couldn’t help but to trace. It hit me that I was always touching her, ever since the first day we met, I had to have my hands on some part of her body. I was constantly crowding her personal space even before our first date.
The waitress soon arrived, and I was thankful for the interruption. I was very close to placing one of those chocolate digits in my mouth. I was never one to be overly affectionate in public, but with Lashawnda it came naturally.
By the time we made it back to Lashawnda’s apartment the sexual tension buil
ding all evening was at its peak. I didn’t want to make the wrong move. If Lashawnda gave me the green light, I was more than ready to take this relationship to the next level.
“Do you want to come in for a bit?” Lashawnda asked once she got the key in the door.
“You sure? I know it’s late,” I said, stuffing my hands deep into my pockets. We planned on going farther this week. Here we were, and I was anxious like it was my first time all over again.
“I’m very sure.”
“Okay,” I reached around her, pressing her firmly to the door. Her full breasts cushioned my body as I pushed the door open and removed the key.
“Thanks,” Lashawnda replied timidly. “I’m going to get out of these heels. There are beverages in the fridge; make yourself at home.”
Easy does it, boy. I mentally coached myself.
I wanted her, and I knew she wanted me. I also wanted this to be perfect. This woman was the one I imagined standing beside me when I closed my eyes to envision my future. This night would be one of many firsts with us. I wouldn’t get any do-overs. I felt like I was in a constant state of arousal since I laid eyes on her.
God, please forgive me for praying for sex.
She appeared from her bedroom making me sit up straight. When she sat down next to me, I took hold of her hand. Her pulse was beating heavy in her wrist. She was just as nervous. I started stroking the inside of her palm and watched as she visibly relaxed.
We kept the conversation light, discussing scenes from the movie we watched earlier.
“Did you notice how a theme in the movie was the man’s infidelity? What did you think of that?” Lashawnda asked.
“Come here.” I pulled Lashawnda closer and shifted, kneeling before her on the floor.
“I think when a man truly finds the woman that is meant for him, he does not need to have a wandering eye. Sometimes, we as men go looking for other women to fill the empty parts in our lives that our significant other doesn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t agree with cheating, and even though I’ve never been in a relationship, I saw the effects of it when my mother was dating. The real problem lies with a man’s inability, to be honest with the woman they have. Instead of telling her she doesn’t fulfill his needs he strings her along for fear of a breakup. It’s a coward’s defense against reality; not a real man’s.”
I leaned back against the coffee table, took her hands, and gazed up at the beautiful goddess before me.
“I am a man, Lashawnda. I don’t ever plan on steering you wrong and honesty will always be between us; even if it’ll cause us both pain. I’m lucky you gave me a chance. Because of you, I’m all filled up, no holes.” I placed her hand over my heart.
Lashawnda swallowed, the lump caught in her throat; she wasn’t expecting a speech. Without forethought, her hand reached forward and touched my cheek. I turned at the feeling and kissed her palm, licked it, and nipped it with my teeth. I reached up and captured the back of her neck and crushed my lips against hers.
She tasted like virtue and sin all at the same time. With each passing breath, I begged for more. Just another taste. Just another sip of her. Just another chance for intoxication.
Lashawnda whimpered from the onslaught of my attack. I pulled her mouth away, so I could look into her beautiful face.
“I need you; I hope you are ready for me.” My voice was deeper than normal, laden with desire. “I’m going to make you cum over and over again until I’ve imprinted my name on your soul. Do you want me, Lashawnda? Tell me now before I start something neither one of us can stop.”
A soft moan escaped her lips, and Lashawnda quivered, eyes full of want and sensuality. The sound of her need felt as urgent as mine when she spoke.
“I’m ready. Please…please, Sean. I need you.”
I stood in front of her and reached for her hand. Making love to her for the first time was not going to happen on the couch but in a bed. I just wished it would’ve been my bed.
I closed the door behind me, pressing my hand against the flat surface in anticipation of what was about to happen. This was it. This would be the turning point in my relationship with Sean where we pushed passed the phase of us getting to know each other on an emotional level to us getting better acquainted physically.
I turned around to see Sean sitting on my king size bed. The light blue comforter was smoothed out around him everywhere but where his hands fisted the material. His eyes never left me as I made my way over to him. He let go of the bedspread and reached out to me, pulling me between his legs. Sean’s large palms came up and pulled my face to his, capturing my lips in a slow soul churning kiss. When he pulled away and looked at me questioningly, silently asking one last time if I was ready. I nodded and his eyes darkened to a murky green.
I could only describe his appearance in one word…predatory.
“Open your robe,” Sean commanded.
I knew instantly it wasn’t a request. I reached for the tie around my waist and slowly undid the knot. The two halves of my robe came apart revealing a yellow camisole with lace trim and a pair of matching cotton shorts. The dark hues of my skin were highlighted by the bright material. It wasn’t the sexiest ensemble for our first time, and I instantly wished I would have dressed a little more provocatively. But, the way Sean was looking at me, it didn’t matter.
My eyes dropped to his lap where the outline of his profound erection strained against his jeans. My hands moved slowly over Sean’s thigh. I bit my lip with excitement hearing Sean take a slow shuddering breath. Our eyes met again and I could see the barely restrained desire on his face. There was a beast beneath his calm. I could sense he was holding on by a thread. I pulled my hand away from his leg and placed it on his chest, trying not to taunt the beast. There was no need to rush this moment. We had time to enjoy this…to enjoy each other.
“Take off your clothes.” Sean’s thumb caressed my lips, swollen from his demanding kisses. His voice was calm and even despite the heavy beating of his heart.
I took a step back from between his legs, unsure of heeding this request.
“I’ve never undressed for a man before,” I whispered.
“Let me be your first.” Sean placed both palms back on the mattress and gripped the material.
You’ve got this, girl. Make him want this as much as you want him, I thought.
Sean watched with admiration as I slowly removed my clothes. I made my movements slow and sensual. The sultry sounds of a hypnotic beat played in my head. I started with my shorts, easing the thin material from my rounded hips to reveal my naked flesh. I was bare underneath. My naked mound was fully displayed for his viewing pleasure.
Sean’s mouth hung slack, his eyes never leaving me. I wanted him to cup me there, reach a long finger into my core and caress me slowly. I’ve never felt so sexy in my entire life than in this moment. This beautiful man was staring at me as if I was the first woman he’d ever laid eyes on. I could see the rapid rise and fall of his chest and the tension in his jaw. Over the last three months of us dating things had slowly progressed when it came to our intimacy. I was glad tonight was finally the night. More than a few times I’ve found myself waking up with my hands between my thighs.
I reached for the hem of my camisole and Sean’s body twitched. I smiled inwardly knowing I had the power to make him crazy with lust. He loved my breasts. If I didn’t know anything else about his desires it was that. Taking my time, I played with the bottom of my top with my fingertips. I slid my hands across my lower stomach, then down toward my center.
Sean’s eyes narrowed into tiny slits and he bit his bottom lip. I paused. Did I want to be the one touching myself tonight? Should I take things slow or jump pussy first into his lap? Teasing Sean like this was only delaying my own gratification. Without much more thought I pulled my top over my head and dropped it on top of my shorts.
When I was completely naked in front of him, Sean pulled me once
more between his open legs. His hands moved over my body with reverence. The rough tips of his fingers glided across my soft stomach, over the rounded flare of my hips, the curve of my backside, the small indentations of my spine, and up to the curve of my shoulder.
A cry of desire passed through my lips when he reached my taut nipples and stroked them with his open palm. The sound set off a chain reaction. Like lightening, Sean quickly hauled me up on the bed and underneath him. His patience had obviously snapped. With me panting beneath him he pulled his shirt over his head. My hands went for his belt buckle, following his urgent need. He stepped off the bed briefly and shuffled out of his pants and boxers.
I licked my lips at the magnificent sight before me. Since that day a few months when we had brunch out on the balcony, this was the first time I’ve seen him naked. Jesus he was beautiful. Every defined curve of his muscled body was an invitation for me to play.
“I guess Mallory was right about you.”
“Right about what?” Sean asked.
“That you’re a boxer-brief man.”
Sean’s lips tilted in that sexy smirk. He crowded my body, forcing me to slide back on the bed. He linked our hands and placed them above my head. My legs parted and my eyes moved over him with rapt attention. When I saw the magnificent piece of flesh jutting forth from the patch of silky, dark hair between his legs in turgid readiness, I audibly gulped. I prayed it was the headiness of the experience that had my imagination running wild. He couldn’t be that large. I was relieved that I had given Stephan my virginity after graduation. Because making Sean my first would have been pure torture. It had been over five years since I last slept with anyone. I silently prayed that it wouldn’t feel like the first time all over again.
Sean ground his hips into my center, coating his shaft with my wetness. I was hot all over, my body was a fiery volcano and the molten lava that poured from my core was rich and plenty. He lowered his head and took my lips in an unhurried kiss that was potent with promise.