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Over the Hedge Page 12
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Page 12
When he finally pulled away from the kiss, he stood in his characteristic stance; hands deep in his pockets and his shoulders taut. I felt like the luckiest woman in the world for the amazing time we shared together. I wanted to invite him in, but it was too soon. Later that night, though, I was filled with regrets. My body tingled with the memory of our passionate kiss.
The next morning, I woke up to my phone ringing off the hook. It was Sean calling to invite me to breakfast. I smiled ear to ear when I heard his nervous apology for waking me up. I didn’t know what to expect after the night before, so it was a pleasant surprise to have him call me so soon. We ended up driving over to a small family owned restaurant by the beach. Sean was a frequent patron and raved about the food. After breakfast, we walked along the beach, just enjoying each other’s company.
As usual, I went to visit my parents later that afternoon. They were going out with some friends of theirs, so Momma decided not to cook dinner. I had become so used to eating there on Sundays; I hadn’t planned on cooking for myself. On my way home, I stopped at the grocery store. I was frantically searching for my credit card in my oversized purse when I felt someone slide their arm around my waist. It was Sean.
He handed the cashier his own credit card. I tried to give him back the money, but he told me I could repay him by letting him have dinner with me. We ate at my place and curled up on the couch together watching TV. To my surprise, Fat Bastard was extra bitchy with Sean and wouldn’t come anywhere near me until he left.
I sat down at my desk with a big smile on my face. Two days and three dates. Tracy was right. I had to thank her for finding this man to take over the lab manager position. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have met him. I picked up my phone and dialed out to HR.
“Hines & Grant Research Recruitment Office, this is Tracy.”
“Thank you very much,” I said.
“You are very welcome,” replied Tracy. “When did all of this happen? Because one minute I hear Jenny talking about how she is going to get Sean to take her out and the next minute I see him giving directions to the delivery guy for your desk. Either Jenny was delusional, or you’ve got some good game, girl.”
I laughed at Tracy’s comment, slightly annoyed that Jenny was still talking about Sean in that way.
“Well I don’t know about Jenny’s state of mind, but as far as game is concerned, I don’t have any. Sean asked me out last week.”
“You must have given him the goods to get flowers like that,” Tracy said in a conspiring whisper.
“No way, my momma raised me better than that. Sean’s just a really nice guy,” I said, feeling giddy I had received such a thoughtful gift. “Well, I’ve got to run—I just heard Dr. Barnes’s door open.”
“Talk to you later…and I do mean talk, because I want all the details,” Tracy said.
“Good-bye Tracy.” I hung up the phone.
I really liked Tracy, but I was not going to be in the habit of telling everyone about my relationship with Sean. Things were just starting out and having everyone in the office gossiping about us was a big no-no. For the rest of the day, I was asked by every person that stopped by about my date. I gave them all the same answer: ‘It was good’.
I pulled out my fruit smoothie. It was a perfect blend of all my favorites I couldn’t wait to drink. I finally found a frozen bag of fruit mix without bananas. I picked up the bottle and started shaking it.
“Dang it!” The entire top of the blender flipped off, sending chunks of icy fruit spraying on my shirt, pants, keyboard, and desk. I would give an arm and a leg just to have one day without any craziness. I pulled out my back up shirt and headed to the restroom.
Later that night on the phone, Sean said he got just as many questions. I wasn’t sure if it was because people were stunned he was with someone like me. I tried not to overthink it. I was with a man who I found spectacular beyond his physical appearance.
I was going to collapse.
My chest burned, and I had lost the feeling in my legs less than two miles ago. If this is what I had to look forward to, then it would be the last time I went jogging with Sean. It was a beautiful Saturday, and I called him asking what his plans were for the day. He told me he was on his way to go for a run. Before I could stop myself, I asked if I could accompany him.
Big mistake. This is torture.
I looked ahead and saw the main road coming into view. If I made it there, I could stop. I had no idea where Sean was. He told me he would be back and took off ahead. That was a few miles ago. I kept on running and was soon lost in the zone. Now, I understood what it meant to have a runner’s high.
As I approached the intersection, I slowed my pace and walked toward the street. My breath was coming out in strangled gasps. Bending over, I placed my palms on my knees. The ground looked like it was coming up to meet me. I suddenly felt a sharp sting on my backside and reared up in pain.
“Oh my God!” I hollered.
I instantly thought I’d been stung by a massive bee. It wasn’t the first time it had happened, so I wouldn’t be surprised. Let’s just say nature and I weren’t the best of friends.
Sean’s face in full laughter was enough to make me smile too, even with the aching sting in my backside.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I couldn’t help myself. I ran ahead to grab some bagels for breakfast. I saw you pass me and didn’t want to interrupt. But, when you stopped and bent over with the delectable view of that ass in the air, I couldn’t help myself. I almost busted my butt watching that thing jiggle in those tights.”
“Slapping me on my ass was your way of doing what exactly?”
“Ooh. You nasty,” I squealed.
“Sweetheart, you have no idea.” Sean bit his lip.
I was trying not to drool at the sight before me. Sean had removed his shirt and tucked it into the back of his shorts. His bare chest glistened with perspiration. The pain I was feeling a minute before was completely forgotten at the sight of his well-toned pecs and six-pack. He claimed he didn’t go to the gym, but I was beginning to think he lied. He didn’t have an ounce of visible fat on his body, and with his shorts riding low on his trimmed torso, I got a nice view of his happy trail.
“You checkin’ me out?” he asked with a knowing smirk.
“Oh, baby, yes.” I ran a finger down the center of his chest watching him flex his hard pecs and show off his biceps.
Sean reached around, rubbed my behind, and kissed me full on the mouth, tasting my sweaty lips.
“Yummy…sweet and salty.” I smiled at him, and he pecked me once more. “Come on, you’ve got a half a mile before we get to the car.”
I slapped Sean on the upper arm, and he pretended to be in pain. “Ow! That really hurts.”
“Not as much as my backside,” I pouted, rubbing the area in question.
A group of women came running past us eyeing Sean. I could tell they were surprised to see his arm around my waist. However I had gotten used to the looks we got in public, and it no longer bothered me. I reached around, patted him on the lower part of his stomach.
“Mmmm—that’s a nice little package you’ve got there.” I was constantly touching him every chance I got.
“You better be careful, Miss Price. I might have to give everyone on the trail a show.”
He adjusted his running shorts and made a few hops like it was difficult for him to walk straight. He winked and took off running with his legs spread wide. I threw my head back and laughed out loud before running after him.
After leaving the park, we went back to Sean’s for breakfast. I loved his townhouse. The layout was similar to my place, but he had a nice view of the city from his patio and a Roman tub in his bathroom that I instantly loved. His furniture reminded me of my father’s ‘man cave’.
He gave me a little tour of the place that ended in the sitting room. It was mostly browns and dark wood, and he had a few pic
tures hung on the wall. I saw an old picture of a young couple holding a baby boy.
“Are these your parents?” I asked pointing to the picture.
Sean stood behind me, placed his hands in his pockets, and leaned his chin on my shoulder. “Yeah, that’s my mom and dad. They looked so happy there. Over the years, I don’t recall if Ma has ever looked that happy again. Even when I graduated at the top of my class with a full scholarship, she still seemed to have a hint of sadness in her eyes.”
“I’m sure she was very proud of you, Sean.”
“Yeah, I know. My dad died a few weeks after this was taken. I was ten months old at the time.”
I placed the picture back on the mantle, turned around, and embraced Sean in a tight hug. I heard the sadness in his voice and wished I could take it away.
“I’m so sorry Sean—sorry for your loss.”
Sean returned my embrace. “Thank you. It’s kind of stupid to miss someone this much you don’t remember.”
“No, it's not. He is your father, of course, you should miss him even if you don’t remember him. I’m sure he made some type of impact on you even at that young age.” I rubbed my hands up and down his back and could feel the tension in his body loosen.
Sean rubbed the back of his neck, looking uncomfortable for getting emotional about his father’s passing. I loved that he felt free enough around me to let his guard down.
“C’mon, hop in the shower while I get breakfast ready.” Sean steered me toward the bathroom. I had bought an extra change of clothes to freshen up after our run, and I let him push me in the right direction.
It had been over twenty-six years, and I still missed the man whose DNA made up half of my own. Grayson Colcord was a great man by all accounts. The only child of parents that had him late in life after years of trying, his death was tough on everyone that knew him. The relationship between my grandparents and my mother wasn’t the best, which forced my mom to raise me alone. It wasn’t until I was late into childhood that I spent much time with my paternal grandparents. They passed away when I was in junior high; one right after the other.
I didn’t mean to get so emotional about the situation with Lashawnda. In truth, hearing her talk about the connection she had with her own family made me wish for that myself. I had no cousins, no aunts or uncles, no one I could call family on either side. My friendship with Jackson, Ian, and Brent was something I didn’t take for granted.
It was midday after our run, and I had just finished setting the table on the balcony. When I walked into my bedroom to find my cell phone charger, I saw the steam coming from the cracked bathroom door. It made me stop in my tracks.
I could hear the water running and Lashawnda’s sultry voice was humming along to an unfamiliar tune. It pulled at me like an invisible cord. Before I knew it, I was standing next to the door with my hand on the knob. I felt myself getting aroused with the knowledge she was just a few feet away, naked in my shower. My heart raced in an erratic pattern at the thought.
God, what would her body look like dripping wet?
A shudder crept up my spine as my hands impulsively gripped my hard length. It had been over a year since I had a woman. In that time the stirrings of sexual arousal were little to nonexistent. At least, they were, until the day I first laid eyes on Lashawnda. One glance at this woman made my entire body flame with desire. Here she was, a few feet away from me; totally naked. My mind raced with images of us underneath the water. I could see myself taking her against the wall, on the tile floor of the walk-in shower, or maybe I could fill the large Roman tub and make it an underwater experience.
A soft groan left my lips, and I gripped my now hard length. The ache was so painful that I cringed at the need to relieve the pressure.
I was lost in my fantasy and didn’t hear the water shut off. The loud crash that followed jarred me out of my musings. Without forethought, I ran into the bathroom expecting the worse, only to see Lashawnda sitting on the floor with a towel barely wrapped around her naked body. Her hand was on her hip, rubbing the same spot over and over in circles. My fear for her safety trumped whatever arousal I was just feeling. Instantly, I went to her aide, kneeling before her and putting my hand underneath her chin. To my surprise, she started to giggle and then exploded into a full belly laugh. I sighed with relief knowing she was not hurt.
“What am I going to do with you?” I asked rubbing my fingers on her bruised hip. “It seems you have a problem with bathrooms. What am I supposed to do to keep you from seriously hurting yourself?”
“My mom told me once she was going to put me inside a bubble to live,” Lashawnda replied, still laughing at herself.
“Oh yeah? Can I stay in there with you?” I sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her waist, lightly caressing her back. I placed tiny kisses on the side of her lips and along her jawline.
“Mmmm.” Lashawnda moaned. She grabbed my head and pulled it up so she could kiss me fully. The intimate caress of her tongue had me lost for words, causing me to moan in appreciation.
“How did this happen?” I asked, reluctantly pulling away from her ardent kiss. I was supposed to be practicing self-control.
“You don’t have the non-skid shower mat. I’m so used to the one I have at home I didn’t think about being extra cautious.”
“Hmmm…then I guess I’ll have to invest in one. I’d hate for you to hurt yourself.”
My hand slid down her side, connecting with her naked flesh. The towel she wore had slipped from her body and now lay tangled between us. I reached up and grabbed one of her large breasts in my hand. I’d dreamt about them for weeks. To feel them in my palms was like dying and being reborn all at once.
Lashawnda’s hands gripped my hair, and I was ready to explode. She ground her sex against my cock. Weeks of sexual tension and a year of sexual deprivation had made my cock hungry for attention. The way Lashawnda was moaning in my mouth was making it more difficult for me to hang on.
There was nothing but the material of my boxers and basketball shorts separating us. The sweet essence of her arousal was enough to make my mouth water. All I need to do was pull my cock out and push upwards into her warmth. I saw it all play out in my mind. The slow grind of her hips rolling into mine. The dips in her plush hips where my fingers would grip her. Everything was as clear in my mind as if I was watching it play out on the big screen.
But, I stopped. I couldn’t do it; not yet. Taking Lashawnda on my bathroom floor was not going to be our first sexual experience. She meant more to me. It wasn’t only that. I have given up sex for a reason. A year ago, it felt like I was doing it for me, but now, I realized that I was doing it for her. My mind and body had been preparing itself for this woman to come into my life.
It took all the willpower I had in me to release my hold. I came up on my elbows and gripped the side of her face so that I could look her in the eyes.
“Not yet. Okay…please not yet.”
“Sean?” Lashawnda asked in her own haze of lust.
“Please, not yet. We don’t have to rush. Okay?” I begged. She gave me a confused look but then nodded as she unwrapped her legs from around my waist.
We held each other until our breathing evened out. I had to get this erection to subside. I had a lot of explaining to do and hoped I hadn’t embarrassed myself too much. Pulling Lashawnda to a sitting position I reached up and pushed her damp hair behind her ears.
“I’m going to go take a shower in the bathroom down the hall. I shouldn’t be long.” I placed a soft kiss on her forehead and walked out of the bathroom, leaving Lashawnda stunned with her mouth slightly agape.
Thirty minutes later, I found Lashawnda sitting out on the balcony. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail at the top of her head. She wore dark blue sweatpants and a tank top. During my shower, I thought long and hard about how I would explain my actions.
“Everything okay?” I asked indicating the food on the tabl
e. We had some bagels and muffins from the bakery. The rest of the meal consisted of fruit, orange juice, a yogurt and granola blend, and a western style omelet.
“Everything is perfect. I thought you said you didn’t know how to cook,” Lashawnda replied biting into her bagel.
“I can’t, but I can make an omelet. Now, if you asked me to make something like chicken, we would have a problem.”
We sat in silence and ate. The unanswered questions were lingering between us. Lashawnda broke the silence.
“Let’s play twenty questions again.”
“Okay, you first.” A talk was inevitable at this point. I respected her for willing to tackle the issue head-on.
Lashawnda took a long sip of her water before speaking. “Are you a virgin?”
Of all the questions she could have asked me, I hadn’t expected that one.
“No. Are you?”
“Why do you seem so surprised?” She placed her glass on the table and crossed her arms defensively.
“I don’t know I guess because…hell, I don’t know. I just assumed you might be.”
“Are you disappointed?”
“No…not at all.” We sat in silence again. I honestly don't know why I thought she was. Lashawnda was just such a good girl.
“When did you lose your virginity?” I asked.
“At seventeen. It was with my high school sweetheart. We were best friends in junior high and started going out in high school. After our prom, we went back to a friend’s house, and one thing led to another, and we had sex.”
I looked at her fully, opening myself to accept that there was more to Lashawnda than I knew. I felt an irrational amount of jealousy that she had been with someone else; even if it was a high school relationship.