Over the Hedge Read online

Page 10

  “Okay, so something must have worked since you called me screaming on the phone like a teenage girl.”

  “I kissed her,” I mumbled into the phone.

  “You what?” Brent asked stunned. “I must be hearing things because it sounds like you just said you kissed her.”

  “Yeah, I know dumb move on my part. I couldn’t help it. I was passing by and overheard her on the phone saying how she didn’t know if I was interested in her. I mean—come on man, I’ve been throwing out all kinds of signals to see if she would pick up on something. I even licked the same fork she ate cheesecake from. Dude, I made it a priority to have a conversation with her every day, just to see how she’s doing.”

  I sighed putting my foot on the coffee table and crossing my ankles. “She didn’t bite the bait. I walked around to her cubicle and there she was looking like an angel covered in dark chocolate, and I had to have a taste. I didn’t think twice before I found myself standing in front of her. Then I kissed her, told her I was interested and I hope she was too.”

  “Whoa! I’m assuming she slapped you in the face before saying, ‘yes’ to going out with you?” Brent asked.

  I laughed out loud thinking about Lashawnda’s reaction. “Actually, no. The little lady reached up and smothered me with a hot kiss of her own. But…then our boss walked up, and she freaked and ran out of the office.”

  “Man, this story just keeps getting better. You made it to first base before going on a first date. I still can’t see how you got her to go out with you.”

  “I went after her, we talked, and she finally said, ‘yes’. I need to borrow your car for my date next week,” I said quickly.

  “Hahaha…I see you got jokes. You sure she didn’t slap you upside the head. Cause something must be loose up there if you think I’m gonna let you drive Nadine,” Brent said in disbelief.

  “I’ll be gentle with her, I promise,” I pleaded.

  “No, man. Besides you have a vehicle. Why should I let you drive mine?”

  “I can’t take a date out in my truck. I need something less intimidating, classier, and more date-like.”

  “Then why the hell did you get the damn thing if you knew you wouldn’t be able to take a girl out in it,” Brent asked.

  “Have I ever taken a woman out on a date?” I countered. “No. It’s always been just tag ‘em and bag ‘em. Come on, Bro. I’m twenty-seven years old, and I’m going out on my first date. I want it to be special. Please.”

  “You are the weirdest guy I ever met. But, as your best friend, it’s my responsibility to make sure you leave that celibate life you’ve been living. You can borrow my baby, but I want a full report on how you gave Miss Lashawnda the business after your date. I heard the girls on campus raving about some donkey dick you got, so you better put that shit to use.”

  “Yes!” I said excitedly. “I’ll come by on Friday evening to get the car, but you’re not getting any report.”

  “Bro, I’m serious. You know what they say: if you don’t use it, you lose it,” Brent replied with amusement.

  “Shut up, man.”

  “By the way…did you say that you licked her fork?”

  I hung up the phone knowing Brent was going to give me a hard time.



  I had a feeling this would be my one shot at romance. That didn’t prevent me from being nervous about dating someone like Sean. I wasn't’ gorgeous nor would I consider myself very interesting to be around. I was just your average everyday girl. However, this might be my chance at getting over that bout of loneliness I’d been feeling. Even if it was only temporary, I was looking forward to spending time with that sexy, green-eyed man.

  I sighed, hiding my smile in my hands. I was in the car with Jenny heading across the causeway in her two-door Lexus sports car. There were speculations around the office about Jenny’s ability to afford a luxury car like this. Most people assumed she had an older benefactor that set her up in one of the new townhomes out on the beach and gave her the car for her “services”, but I wasn’t going to speculate about her finances.

  I was fortunate she was giving me a ride to the airport. My parents had plans, and Crystal couldn’t get me to the airport in time to meet my flight, and in a random conversation with Brad; Jenny piped up and offered to take me. I was thankful for her help. Unfortunately, I should have waited another hour before saying yes, because Sean volunteered as well. When I declined, he didn’t look pleased by my answer, but he didn’t push the issue.

  I had a date planned with him in a few days and needed the time to get my mind right. When I told Crystal what happened in the office, she was hollering so hard tears came to her eyes. Sean and I exchanged numbers and have been texting back and forth ever since. I pulled up the messaging app on my phone and began scrolling through all of our previous messages, settling on the first one he sent me.

  Sean: Good morning beautiful.

  Me: Good morning

  Sean: By the way this is Sean. I hope it’s okay for me to text you so early.

  Me: I’m glad you texted at all.

  Sean: Lol…why wouldn’t I?

  Me: Nothing…just a thought. How are you?

  Sean: I’m doing really good. I’m putting together some ideas for our date. Is there anything you’re completely opposed to doing?

  Me: No, I’m pretty easy going.

  Sean: Great! I’m excited. I promise you’ll have a good time.

  Me: I’m excited too.

  Sean: You looked really pretty yesterday. So what kind of randomness do you like to get into?

  Me: Thanks. I’m pretty much a homebody. But, I need to get out more so you might have to hold my hand and lead me into some randomness.

  Sean: I’ve held your hand before. It would be my pleasure to do it more often.

  Every day since then I got a text early in the morning. Most nights I fell asleep to him and me texting. It was this odd phenomenon, one day I was complaining about being lonely and the next I was taking a deep dive into getting to know who Sean Tyler Colcord truly was. Some of the things I found out weren’t at all what I expected. It made me realize just like me, he had insecurities too. Looking at him, one would think he had this thing called life all figured out.

  I closed my phone and slipped it back into my purse.

  “So, I heard a little rumor about you,” Jenny said teasingly.

  “Me…a rumor?” I asked. “What did you hear about me?”

  “A little birdie told me you were caught making out with a certain hottie in the garage last week.” Jenny kept her eyes on the road, only briefly looking over at me to catch my reaction. “So? Come on, give. Is it true or not?”

  “First off, who told you this?” I always did my best to refrain from passing around company gossip. It bothered me I was now the subject of it.

  “Come on girl, spill the beans already.” Jenny tried to keep the irritation out of her voice, but I heard it.

  “He asked me out,” I replied in the most casual tone I could come up with. Hopefully, acting like it wasn’t a big deal would be enough for Jenny to drop the subject. I was not about to let her in my business. I knew how much of a chatterbox she was.

  The car jerked to a screeching halt when Jenny slammed on her breaks to avoid hitting the car in front of her. I gripped my purse on my lap; readjusting the seat belt that had become snug from Jenny’s sudden stop.

  “Really? I didn’t think he would be your type?” she asked with a forced smile.

  I quirked my eyebrows and looked at Jenny, confused. “Um…exactly why wouldn’t he be my type?”

  “I didn’t think you were into white guys. I mean yeah, he’s good-looking, but I just didn’t take you for a girl who would step outside the box and date interracially.” She gave a nonchalant shrug.

  “Nope. I have no problem dating interracially.”

  I couldn’t believe what I saw written on her face. Was that jealousy? This gorgeous, confid
ent woman had no reason at all to be jealous. I inwardly cringed at how ridiculous she was being.

  “Well, I’m happy for you. If you need any help shopping for an outfit, I have some connections at a few boutiques downtown.”

  “Thanks,” I replied. Silence filled the space, making the last twenty minutes in the car very uncomfortable.


  Dr. Barnes decided the conference wasn’t worth the time, so he had me reschedule our flight for Friday morning. That gave me a chance to peruse the city for the perfect dress to wear on my date with Sean. When we got to the airport, Dr. Barnes’s wife offered to give me a lift home. I was anxious to see Sean and remembered his offer to pick me up from the airport when I got back in town. But it was late, and I didn’t want to wake him up, so I accepted Mrs. Barnes’s offer.

  I settled into the back of the SUV, the older couple taking the front seats with Mrs. Barnes behind the wheel. As a rule, her husband was not allowed to drive whenever they went out. When I asked her why, Mrs. Barnes said, ‘she loved him, but she would surely kill him for taking her life in a traffic accident’. I understood her concern wholeheartedly. The second week after getting hired, I was forced to travel with him to an off-site staff meeting. I discovered he had a severe case of road rage. It was the last time I let him drive as well.

  “Lashawnda, my dear…I hope you think twice about marrying,” Mrs. Barnes said, looking at me in the rearview mirror. She and her husband were arguing back and forth about the best route to take.

  “Oh—Don’t worry about her, she has a young man in her life. She should be hitched in no time,” said Dr. Barnes, as if it was the surest thing in the world.


  “Yes, I told you about it last week. You weren’t paying attention again, Juliette. I walked in on her smooching with him at her desk. It was quite a sight. I didn’t think Price had it in her to be so bold at work. But, she seemed to be holding her own. I would have waited till they were finished, but they didn’t make any moves to stop,” Dr. Barnes explained, as if talking about the weather.

  I covered my face in embarrassment. Days later and this is the first time he brought up that incident.

  “Nathan, cut it out you’re making the poor girl blush,” Mrs. Barnes lightly scolded. “By that smile you’re sporting, I can tell you really like this young man. Enjoy it my dear; because once they get a ring on your finger, it’s all downhill from there.” She looked over at her husband who was busy jotting down notes in one of the flip notepads he always kept on his person.

  I smiled fondly at the couple as my thoughts went back to Sean’s excitement about me agreeing to go out with him. What would our first date be like? Would we end up like the couple in front of me or my parents? Or, would we end up having doubts like Crystal and Brian? It was too soon to be thinking about a future together.

  Let’s just get the first date.

  My phone buzzed, and I looked down to see an incoming message from Sean.

  Sean: I can’t wait to spend time with you on our date tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed your trip.

  Me: I did. I can’t wait to see you too.



  I pulled up in front of Lashawnda’s building thirty minutes early. I had gotten dressed and was sitting around my place waiting for well over an hour. This anxiety got the best of me. After hopping in Brent’s car, I drove to her place. I figured I’d avoid possibly getting stuck in traffic. A few people passed by and eyed Nadine longingly. This car screamed class and elegance. I was glad I decided to drive her instead of my truck. I needed this night to be special.

  After five minutes of listening to the radio, I couldn’t sit still. I hopped out of the car and walked to the front of her building. Was it too soon to go up? Checking the time, I still had twenty minutes left. I decided to hang out in the lobby for a bit. A group of women exited the elevator, eying me like the last drop of water left on a desert expedition.

  “Wow…I think I’ve died and gone to heaven,” said the blonde, slowing down to get a better look.

  “I think I might be in hell,” said the redhead with the short bangs. “Because I’m burning up!” She stuck her fist in her mouth and bit down on her middle finger. “Give me thirty minutes, and I’m sure I can make your night.”

  “Sorry ladies, but I’m spoken for.” I shook my head at their antics. The attendant in the lobby gave me a curious stare.

  “Is there something I can help you with sir?” he asked.

  “I’m here to see Lashawnda Price.”

  “Name please?”

  “Sean—Sean Colcord.”

  “Just a minute while I buzz her.” He propped the receiver against his shoulder as he dialed her unit. “Good evening, Ms. Price, I have a Sean Colcord waiting in the lobby for you. Yes, ma’am. I’ll send him up.” He turned to me and smiled. “Follow me this way to the elevator.”

  I nodded, impressed with the security in her building. At least some random person couldn’t just walk up to her front door.

  When Lashawnda called yesterday to ask what she should wear, I told her to dress up. I had made reservations at one of the five-star restaurants at the Omni Golf Resort. It was one of the perks of living in Florida, a lot of great attractions at your fingertips. After making reservations, I went out and got a new suit. I wasn’t a fan of my suits fitting so close, but I was glad I let the salesman talk me into it. I felt like an international spy.

  I stepped off of the elevator toward Lashawnda’s door. I was a few minutes early and hoped I wasn’t rushing her. Before knocking, I took a moment to get my mind right.

  Anxiety and self-doubt were things I never experienced on an interpersonal level. School, my career—those things made me excited when it came to the unknown. Partying and sleeping around was like taking out the trash. But, the sudden interest in this one woman made my palms itch and my stomach turn in knots. She made me question myself. Did I have what it takes to impress a woman like this? Was I educated enough or made the kind of money she found appealing. I wasn't the most outgoing guy. Would my personality keep her engaged when we started spending more time together? I rubbed the back of my neck for what felt like the millionth time. The real question was, was I enough?

  “Okay. Make this night spectacular. Don’t fuck it up by getting too handsy. Your momma taught you manners, use them. And, whatever you do, don’t molest the damn girl because you can’t control your attraction to her.”

  I jumped up and down a few times, shaking the nerves out of my hand, and knocked.

  Her door swung open, and I forgot everything I just told myself. Hell, I forgot to breathe. Her dark hair was pulled up into an elegant style. A few strands were hanging loosely around her face playing along with her collarbone. She wore very little makeup. From what I could tell she had some on her eyes and lips; but there was no cake batter look like I had seen on some women. Whatever she did only enhanced all of her already beautiful features.

  Oh, the dress. Down boy.

  She wore a tight-fitting sleeveless black dress that ended mid-calf. The heart shaped top emphasized her bountiful breasts; putting them on perfect display for my hungry eyes. Her curves were screaming for me to hop on and take a ride. The heels accentuated her already tall frame. I loved a woman with a little height on her. I stuffed my hands deep into my pockets to keep them from reaching out to touch her.

  “Hi.” Her voice was just above a whisper.

  “Hello,” I greeted.

  “Come in,” Lashawnda said stepping aside. “I’m all set. I just need to grab my purse. Would you care for anything to drink?”

  “No, I’m good,” I replied.

  “Okay...be right back. Have a look around if you’d like.”

  I watched as her hips swayed provocatively when she walked away. Everything felt right.

  Her faux fireplace was lined with pictures along the mantle. There was one of a gorgeous older woman and a man standing on the beach. Next
to it was one of Lashawnda standing beside a woman that looked like a shorter version of her. Another photo had all four people in it. The man was in the middle, and the ladies were placing kisses on his face; Lashawnda on his right, what I assumed to be her sister on his left, and her mother kissing him on the head. I smiled at the man’s expression. A caption in cursive read ‘Poppa’s beauties.’

  I had to remember to ask Lashawnda about her family.

  She appeared in the living room with a black satin clutch and a thin shawl around her shoulders. “Okay, all set.”

  A huge cat sauntered from the back of the apartment.

  “Wow, she’s huge.” I bent to pet it but thought better at the hiss I received.

  “She’s actually a he.”

  “What’s his name?”

  “Fat Bastard.”

  I threw my head back and laughed. “No shit? Like the guy covered in ginger body hair from those Austin Powers movies?”

  “Yup, exactly like that. An overweight orange tabby with a bad attitude couldn’t have a more perfect name. My mom calls him Chubs though.”

  “It fits,” I nodded.

  The cat walked back down the hall, giving me a look that made me pause. Was this fat fur ball sizing me up? He better get used to me. I planned on sticking around.

  When Lashawnda opened the door, she took my breath away. I was too nervous to tell her how amazing she looked.

  Before I left Brent’s condo yesterday, I was given a long speech about first date etiquette. Halfway through his spiel, Brent stopped and said, “You already tongued her down, so I guess your next step is reaching for second base. This whole speech is pointless.”

  One of the things I remembered was: ‘never forget to tell her what you think of her outfit.’

  I took Lashawnda’s hand and brought it to my lips. The light fragrance she wore was different than the one I’d become accustomed to. “You look utterly stunning in that dress.”